Hello, All!
I am in my final days with T L Ogre. His rages, abuses and antics escalated way out of control, especially the past couple of weeks. I will do my best to go into more depth in the next couple of days. My time is ultra short tonight and lots to get done while I have a few minutes of Internet at Walmart. Before this post is out, though, I will go ahead and identify myself.
June 18th, T L Ogre went into one of those rages, again, that sent me into a mini stroke. This time it was more than just screaming, yelling and raging in my face and ears .... he got physical, too. I had a mini stroke that night, worse than usual. It was a scary night!
The next morning, the old Ogre went down to the Sheriff's department and filed a vacate notice. I received it a few days later. I have no doubt that that was his purpose of sending me into a mini stroke, to weaken me drastically so that when he gave me an instant vacate notice, I wouldn't be able to move anything. I took the option to go to court in a week, which ended up being rescheduled once because he had problems with his leg. Geez, why couldn't I reschedule for when I wanted to due to a mini stroke?
I did end up having to go to ER because I wasn't recovering very fast and even now, am having some difficulty still with getting my speech back completely clearly. As I said, I can explain more when I get a longer window of time, but in the end, I was given two weeks to get my farm moved, which is down to about 10 days or less, now. I had finally gotten property, had some hang ups with it, but about two weeks ago I was finally able to drive up on the property and start moving stuff. It has become obvious to me that he doesn't want me to move my stuff and is trying to scam me out of everything I have to my name. I have less than two weeks to move all of my dogs, cats, chickens, goats, ducks, rabbits, build pens to move them into, (Oh, yes, and my hand is permanently damaged and still has lots of pain and always will, but more on that later), all of my farm equipment, supplies for about 5 small (micro) businesses so I can get some income going again (he just would not let me work and they all had to be packed away), all of my personal belonging, keepsakes, and so on and on and on. It took him two years with his strength, heavy duty pickup and long trailer to move my stuff there, now I am supposed to move it all out of there in two weeks with disabling health issues, which he inflicted many of. I have no money, no job (hope to get an income going soon after I get out), no retirement, NOTHING. I am moving a pick up load every day or two, but it isn't even making a dent and my body is already worn out. I need help! I am open to all ideas, suggestions and help offers.
T L Ogre is about to use the court system to scam me out of everything I have left in this world to my name. I got the idea that the court thinks they are "protecting me" with this ruling, but they just don't understand that losing all of that to the old Ogre will hurt me far more than anything he could do to me. :( :( :(
Hi! I am Anna Watts, originally from Muskogee, Oklahoma. I currently live in the Tahlequah area of Oklahoma and I am moving to the outskirts of Checotah, Oklahoma.
I am also known around the net as Granny Annie , Granny Annie's Farm over on Youtube, and many have known me for years as Tentfire. The blog that The Ogre and I had together is Two Farms One. What a contrast life is now to how it was in the beginning in that blog! You can also find me over on Facebook, here.
Thank you so much for your support. Stay tuned and I will do my best to update again soon. Prayers, positive thoughts, and, of course moving help of any kind, would be greatly appreciated. Blessings and hugs to you all!
Signed - Betty Sue .... aka .... Granny Annie
After all this time together, his raging, evil, twisted, latent monster surfaced and left me in total shock! Talking about it to anyone will only make my nightmare worse if he finds out, so I am venting here, anonymously. I have to have somewhere to let it out. I now know he is a narcissist, but what else? bipolar? schizoid? psychotic? schizophrenic? some other mental disorder? I hope someone can help me answer this and find a way to get me out of here!.